Track BASH script command failures or abort after N failures

Using the trap built-in signals received by a scripts (e.g. SIGINT). Using this functionality a script can also take actions based on errors. This can allow some more nuanced handling as opposed to set -e.



TrackErrorTrap() {
    ((Cumulative_RC += $?))
    if [[ $ErrorCount -gt $ErrorThreshold ]]; then
        echo -e "\n\n###############################"
        echo "Too many errors"
        echo "Count   : $ErrorCount"
	echo "Total RC: $Cumulative_RC"
	exit $Cumulative_RC # Don't need to exit, can just take some action

trap TrackErrorTrap ERR

for I in {1..10}; do
    echo -n "Error #: $I "
    false                 # when ErrorThreshold is exceeded, the trap will abort
    echo "[COMPLETE]"

# script never makes it this far
echo "The rest of the script"

Running the above results in:

Error #: 1 [COMPLETE]
Error #: 2 [COMPLETE]
Error #: 3 [COMPLETE]
Error #: 4 [COMPLETE]
Error #: 5 [COMPLETE]
Error #: 6 

Too many errors
Count   : 6
Total RC: 6